It's Monday, the 1st...

Monday, November 1, 2010

I am kind of weird about starting new things at a random time. For example, I would not start using a 14 day teeth whitening kit on a Wednesday, I would wait until Monday, the beginning of the week.
(Some say Sunday, which to that I would say... You don't go to school on Sunday, the work week begins on Monday, and on Sunday the bank is closed)
Is that weird? In my mind starting new projects or commitments on a random day just makes me feel scattered. Is that anal? probably.

This Monday,today, is my Monday, because not only is it the start of a new week, it is also the 1st. I have had a jumbo list of things just sitting around in my head waiting to be addressed. Lately, I have been so consumed with thoughts and ideas and school and work, I just have not known where to begin.
Then came November 1st and the universe gave me my starting point.

I have been consumed with ideas of my future lately. Mostly because I am not sure where it is heading. This consumption is driving me insane. Literally panicky and anxious all the time. Like you could find me underneath the dining table holding onto my knees rocking back and forth and TK having to bribe me with a Reese's to come out. maybe.
Although my future is very important and there are important matters to be addressed, I realized I cannot drive myself crazy thinking about them.
(oh quick shout out to those that have also been driven crazy, hearing me talk about them...holla!)
So I have decided to compose a list of weekly to-do's. Nothing that makes me feel anxious, just things that will bring me back where I need to be.

1. Get back on track with being healthy (diet and exercise)
2. Organize 1 space in our home each week
3. Do something creative once a week
4. Watch a new movie with TK once a week, without falling asleep
5. Get decent sleep (I am going to shoot for 11 but I think anything before 1 is an accomplishment)
6. Cook or bake one new item a week
7. Set aside time to read non-related school or work material
8. Take pictures throughout the week
9. Do laundry once a week (I hate laundry)
10. Spend quality time with TK as much as possible :)

“when i was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. when I went to school, they asked me what i wanted to be when i grew up. i wrote down ‘happy’. they told me i didn’t understand the assignment, and i told them they didn’t understand life.”
– john lennon

Bonus #11- Blog :)


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