First off, let me congratulate you on your Oscar nom! I have yet to see true grit but I hear you were phenomenal. You go girl! It's no biggie you did not win... you have many years ahead of you. That is sort of what I wanted to talk about. You seem like a sweet kid. You carry yourself with class and I commend you on your age appropriate wardrobe and make up choices. By the way, you nailed it with that Oscar dress. a gem. truly.

But here is the thing, your just 14. You are an actress. You live in LA (I'm assuming)...sort of a recipe for disaster. I am no celebrity, but I can imagine the obligations and responsibilities of this job could cause a bit of stress. And at your age, whew! even tougher! But I believe in you Hailee... I think you got what it takes to be successful and survive! You got a long career ahead of you, so just remember:
- If you want to "Win" stay far away from Charlie Sheen
- It does not matter what you are "technically" smoking... bong hits never look good.
- Disney is cursed... Don't sign that contract!
- and please don't start a band and end up like this:

Best of luck to you kid!
P.S. Dear Taylor Momsens mother... major fail.
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