Anywhoo. This weekend we got an unexpected visit from Tims dad who lives in California. Literally, it was like
Thursday Night:
Dad- Tim, I am coming to visit
Tk- Awesome! When?
Dad- Tomorrow!
So other than the rushed thursday all night clean fest to make our home suitable, it was great!
(In all honesty, I did not clean at all. I have been dealing with a massive kink in my neck which is causing some serious pain, so while I went to get a massage to try and take care of this thing TK and my darling, sweet sister Olivia stepped in and cleaned the whole house. I am seriously so blessed. Thanks guys!)
It turned out to be a nice relaxing weekend, just spending some quality family time. TK was really happy his dad was here and that made me really happy :) korean food 2.revolving sushi souvenir 4.father-son
Sunday we spent the day with my sisters and I share livi's sentiment when she said:
"I am glad we did this, it has been awhile"

5.pup treats 6.bday owl 7.artweave@ 8.amococo-more on this later!
My long list of errands still stands incomplete, but it was definitely worth it :)
i figured out how to comment! LOL LOL LOL its me sal
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