-Figure out the tip on a bill
-Clean up poopy pup situations
-Struggle to reach things high in my closet
-Run to the store late at night for last minute things
-Watch terrible television by myself
-Get up for a glass of water when I just found the comfiest spot
-Figure out electronic stuff
and honestly, the list could probably go on for awhile. Of course, there are the big things like being a hardworker, an always encouraging partner and just an overall great guy. But sometimes it is good to stop and think about the little things, that on a day to day could go unnoticed, cause we all know the little things count just as much. Especially when the pup drops one on the carpet.

*Bri- Don't tilt your head back
*Tim- But I want to look gangster
Oh yeah, and I can't forget incredibly handsome :)
I'm glad you guys make each other so happy and provide such wonderful company for one another <3
Also, Rick and I love you writing style.
Theres nothing more gangster then tilting your head back with 2 cones in your hand. (im serious) #Awesome!
This is awesome! Yes. My hubs takes care of some of the things I don't like to do... like taking out the trash, checking to make sure the door is locked, finding my shoes for me... ha.
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