Matrix Spread the Love 2013- Semi-Finalist Submission

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

*This post is an entry for the Matrix Spread the Love 2013 Competition

It's hard to believe that I am now nine weeks away from becoming a licensed cosmetologist. I never thought I would be in this position but it seems more and more to me lately, that the experiences you least expect in life are the ones that bring you where you need to be. 

Eight years ago, I would never have thought this Southern California born and bred girl would be moving to the desert of Chandler Arizona. I have to be honest and say that at 16, I left kicking and screaming and although Arizona may not have the weather and waves I miss so much, it provided me with things I may not have known I needed. I have been able to cultivate and maintain strong relationships with my family by staying close to them here and there is nothing more important to me. 

I may never have discovered Penrose Academy, in Scottsdale Arizona. A school that has provided me with an extensive and enjoyable education that has overly prepared me for a career as a hairdresser. 

I would never have imagined that at the ripe young age of 18 I would meet a man that would become my husband just a few short years later. It would have been impossible for me to foresee the incredible life and love we have created together. 

I would not have envisioned myself to work in the Pension Industry for the last seven years. It may not have ever been my preference or my desired career choice but it to had its place. I learned how to be a team player and a leader. I learned what it meant to be a professional and I learned life skills that will benefit me in any endeavor. 

I could have only hoped that my closest friends as a child would still be my closest friends into adulthood. I am thankful those loyal friends are still by my side. 

I never desired tragedy in my life, but that too came and made me a stronger, and more compassionate and understanding person. 

Now at 25, I could have never dreamed that I would be following my passion and pursuing a career in cosmetology. All of the unexpected experiences in my life helped to prepare me for what I was really meant to do. In some way, shape, or form they provided me with knowledge, convictions, confidence and persistence to welcome the unexpected and openly accept opportunities that are presented in my path. 

Spread the Love is a welcomed and unexpected opportunity in my life. I may not have always been so apt to jump on a chance like this, but with the life experience  I have now, I know that these sort of events are part of the big picture. They cannot simply be passed by, they must be pursued. 

I am crossing my fingers and hoping for the chance of a lifetime, and however it plays out, I welcome the experience.

* In addition to the essay above, we were required to create two videos: One showcasing a salon of our choice and one answering a few provided questions. I thought I would go ahead and post them here in case any one would like to take a gander... enjoy and thanks for the support friends!


Kara said...

Okay seriously, you are too cute. Can I vote for you?!

Unknown said...

I love your videos Brianna! Good luck!

Emmy Kim said...

Love love love the vids!!! And I am way happy to be pictured!!

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