My Weekend in an Instax

Sunday, August 15, 2010

I wrote an entire post and it somehow was deleted. Lame
Anyhow, this weekend despite my daily serving of insomnia and my zombie like demeanor, I insisted we paint the kitchen and living room.
Basically because I hate my current walls, and because next weekend we are busy, the weekend after that busy and the weekend after that busy, oh and I refuse to let another house guest see my hideous walls.

So, we did just that. Painted the living room and the kitchen a lovely shade of aqua smoke. I was very hesitant about painting over my lovely yellow kitchen but I am really glad I did. The new color makes our home feel much cooler... and in Arizona that is a huge plus.
have a look:




Guests, you are now welcome.


Emmy Kim said...

Yes. I think that looks TOTALLY awesome! Nice work! You make me want to paint and update!

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