Talks with Tk...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

If you know Tim you know to be weary of how legit his "facts" are. He has entertained us many times with his exclusive information and he has also caused some a bit of confusion. Here is an example of his sources:

BK:I just got an email from Expedia and they have really good deals to New York in the summer. But I hear NY in the summer is not so nice.

TK: New York in the summer is really bad. It is mid 90's and super humid. People rap about it all the time.

I feel bad that I shorted you guys a week of Tim so to make up for it I am throwing in this bonus photo. Enjoy!
*he also has a habit of falling asleep..alot...anywhere.


thegirlhassparke said...

Haha I love that people rap about it all the time.

bri kim said...

Megan- I know right? to be honest I am not sure I have heard many people rap about it? It just does not seem fitting like you know.. guns, ho's, drugs, the NY summer heat!

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